Week 2 Math+Art Blog

In lecture, it was described how mathematics is the formation of numbers and how they can fit amongst each other. Using signs, symbols, formulas, etc. During the active times of Mesopotamia, the Babylonians used math as a way to describe art in meaningful and structural ways. In addition, the video Playing at the intersection of interactivity, math, and code by Nathan Selikoff, it was interesting how they combined art and math with the digital clock by how it vibrated to the active sounds present. These concepts are easy ways to combine to the two for the public to interact with. In the Charles Csuri resource, it displayed the combination of art and math by his artistic ways in making art that resembled numbers and symbols. 

A piece of art that helped me gain a perspective on the meaning of it comes from the Kinetic Sculpture. This art piece helps you understand the effect of each piece present while incorporating 714 metal spheres hanging from the ceiling, making it operate freely.  https://artcom.de/en/?project=kinetic-sculpture

I learned that art and math are incorporated with one another more often than we typically would expect. This was shown on a very broad scale, dating back centuries ago, aligning it to ways that helped establish the basics of math or even to modern day with just art pieces that are detailed with different various of math. 

The juxtaposition of art and math can stem back thousands of years ago, and because of this it has made it possible to compare the similarities between the two. By incorporating shapes, numbers, symbols, together, this is all components of art that has been shown in relation to math. 

Linz, Osterreich. “Kinetic Sculpture - the Shapes of Things to Come.” ART+COM Studios | Kinetic Sculpture - The Shapes of Things to Come, 1992, artcom.de/en/?project=kinetic-sculpture. 

Charles Csuri, www.charlescsuri.com/. Accessed 12 Apr. 2024. 

Selikoff, Nathan. “Playing at the Intersection of Interactivity, Math, and Code.” Nathan Selikoff, 2015, www.nathanselikoff.com/. 


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